Exhibit Profile

1. Wind Turbines
1.1 In-grid wind turbine generator systems
1.2 Off-grid wind turbine generator systems
1.3 Wind-solar power systems
1.4 Distributed wind power generation system

2. Accessories & Equipment
2.1 Rotor blades and relevant materials
2.2 Composite materials
2.3 Gearbox, bearing, lubricant
2.4 Generator, transformer, box transformer
2.5 Control system
2.6 Remote monitoring systems
2.7 Convertor
2.8 Hydraulic system
2.9 Security system
2.10 Lightning protection system
2.11 Cable, cable conduits
2.12 Installation equipment
2.13 Transport equipment
2.14 Fastener
2.15 Testing equipment
2.16 Pumps matched with wind turbine

3. Offshore Wind Energy Equipment and Technology
3.1 Offshore foundation
3.2 Offshore installation vessel and platform
3.3 Offshore operation relevant equipment
3.4 Offshore transportation for bulky cargo
3.5 High voltage power cable
3.6 Transformer platform
3.7 Rescue/safety equipment
3.8 Diving equipment
3.9 Warning device
3.10 Port, shipbuilding, steel manufacturing
3.11 Remote sensing technology & application
3.12 Corrosion prevention
3.13 Water control
3.14 Deep-water soil survey service
3.15 Offshore wind farm maintenance
3.16 Offshore project construction and service

4. Wind Farm Management
4.1 Remote monitoring system
4.2 Wind farm control and liaison system
4.3 Wind farm safety and health
4.4 Assets management and collocation optimization

5. Wind Turbine O&M Equipment
5.1 Lubricating oil
5.2 Oil change equipment
5.3 Detecting system
5.4 Alarm system
5.5 Monitoring and control system
5.6 Data analysis and diagnosis
5.7 Lightning protection system

6. O&M Auxiliary Equipment
6.1 Wind blade healant
6.2 Lifesaving/safety protection equipment
6.3 Lifting system
6.4 Climbing equipment
6.5 Sling
6.6 Vertical-lift platform
6.7 Specialty maintenance vessel

7. Spare Part
7.1 Parts and replacement
7.2 Parts retrofitting

8. Repair Kit
8.1 Safety construction equipment
8.2 Hydraulic wrench
8.3 Measurement instrument
8.4 Lighting tools